A Traveler's Tales

Being the musings of a alien - temporal and spiritual...

Friday, February 03, 2006

From the Happy Postmodernist...

I don't think I've ever posted an article link before... so this shall be a first. I found this one this afternoon as I assiduously ignored any sort of assignments I have next week :). It's longish, but it's on the subject of the relation between postmodernism and theology, Derrida and Karl Barth. Good (if slightly dense at times) stuff :).

...Oh, and for those who may be skeptical, it's from First Things... Happy reading :).



  • At Fri Feb 03, 09:53:00 PM CST, Blogger sarah said…

    I don't have time to read it right this second - though I will later. I am just happy to see that you are alive. ;)

  • At Sat Feb 04, 07:29:00 AM CST, Blogger Pinon Coffee said…


    I'm glad I took Linguistics and had a philosophy club on Derrida; that was long, and difficult, but wow. In truth, this article is like what Dr. Bates always said about postmodernists, that they are haunted by a god in the uncharted seas off the edge of the map.

    The connection between Kierkegaard, Barth, Derrida, and Nietzsche is fascinating. I love how God has not left Himself without a witness even in language itself, visible to these who profess to ignore Him most heartily. Wouldn't it be cool if Derrida converted??

    Yet, it's times like these that I'm grateful to be a little simple...yes, all these people are brilliant, but it's kind of exhausting. I much prefer having a real God who's revealed Himself in a Bible that's not too hard to understand! The truth is utterly, deeply one, and at the same time more complicated and gorgeous than any mortal can ever get his mind around. And when the multiplicity gets to be too much, we can always return to the "still center of the spinning world," God.


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