A Traveler's Tales

Being the musings of a alien - temporal and spiritual...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Mingling Toil with Peace and Rest

Well, my PBR paper needs two more pages and a bibliography… but I’m sick of it, so I’m going to ignore it for a while.

But really, it’s not as bad as all that. After all, I am actually getting to write my PBR paper, which is more than I could have hoped for before the holiday. Heh… I had actually planned to write it before Thanksgiving, so that I could just relax over break. Needless to say, that idea went “the primrose way to the everlasting bonfire” what with Hoedown and the ever-present Macbeth. I did succeed in gathering sources – which I touched for the first time to shove them into my bag to drag them home with me.

But my time at home has been quite productive and restful. I’ve filled out a bunch of paperwork, applied for a job, and researched and written three of five pages. Not to mention visited with extended family, met with a childhood friend, gone shopping, seen a movie, and relaxed in the comfort of my home.

I am thoroughly convinced that time here runs more slowly than time at school. Here, I wake up at 9, mosey into the kitchen, have a leisurely breakfast, read the paper (o luxury!), and still get a bunch of work done before lunch. So, that is to say there’s been a lot of rest thrown in with the work :). Just the comforts of home are enough to make any work happy: Mom, Dad, and the D; Indy sleeping at my feet or wanting to go for a walk; real meatloaf; watching Lost on a good TV with analysis during the commercials; hot buttered rum; the big cushy chair next to which my computer resides; not having to walk through the elements to get a meal; nice, cool nights to make my down comforter worthwhile; the peaceful non-crowdedness of a complete house with only three people and one dog living in it...

It is a most excellent thing :).


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