*and there was great rejoicing*
In the past two days, my life has flipped upside down. But it was upside down to begin with, so the change has been a welcome one :).
First: The need for a job next semester has been lurking in the back of my mind – but has been put off due to costume work, trying to do academics around costuming, and a certain insane faith that God would bring something along. Well, bring it He has. Last night, as I was dressing hurriedly before the play started, my mom called to tell me that I’ve got an internship with the NGA! This will satisfy my internship credits for next semester and provide money (which is a very happy thought). I had meant to intern with them this fall... but due to time delays and lost transcripts, it didn’t work out, and I had to punt. But my application remained on file, and I guess someone picked it up. So, I’ll get cleared and get to start my job next semester… just when I’ll need it most. :)
Second: My family had decided to break with our tradition and go to Gatlinburg for Thanksgiving, much to my displeasure… but there wasn’t much I could do about it. Well, it seems that, due to my grandfather not feeling well, we will be staying home and following our normal routine. While the cause is not at all welcome, the result is marvelous. It means that I can sit in my dear armchair at home as I fill out applications, complete security forms, and write a paper. We will all be there (the D wouldn't have been, otherwise), and it promises to be a restful, comforting Thanksgiving. Which is just what the doctor ordered.
Funny how the things I need most always come at just the right time – not a moment too soon, but never too late, either… :)
First: The need for a job next semester has been lurking in the back of my mind – but has been put off due to costume work, trying to do academics around costuming, and a certain insane faith that God would bring something along. Well, bring it He has. Last night, as I was dressing hurriedly before the play started, my mom called to tell me that I’ve got an internship with the NGA! This will satisfy my internship credits for next semester and provide money (which is a very happy thought). I had meant to intern with them this fall... but due to time delays and lost transcripts, it didn’t work out, and I had to punt. But my application remained on file, and I guess someone picked it up. So, I’ll get cleared and get to start my job next semester… just when I’ll need it most. :)
Second: My family had decided to break with our tradition and go to Gatlinburg for Thanksgiving, much to my displeasure… but there wasn’t much I could do about it. Well, it seems that, due to my grandfather not feeling well, we will be staying home and following our normal routine. While the cause is not at all welcome, the result is marvelous. It means that I can sit in my dear armchair at home as I fill out applications, complete security forms, and write a paper. We will all be there (the D wouldn't have been, otherwise), and it promises to be a restful, comforting Thanksgiving. Which is just what the doctor ordered.
Funny how the things I need most always come at just the right time – not a moment too soon, but never too late, either… :)
At Sat Nov 19, 05:51:00 AM CST,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your internship! You'll do a great job.
At Sat Nov 19, 10:33:00 AM CST,
Campeador said…
Hmm... we need to talk. NGA TS takes at least four months - though, with your Secret it could be different. Also, where you will be and what facility will you work at? The intern resumes are floated around the agency, and whoever is interested just takes you, so you could be anywhere from HR to analysis directorate. NGA also has at least three major faciliites in the DC area, so location is also important.
Anyway, congratulations. :) I have some contacts at Bethesda, if you end up working there. Cool people in the library, if you ever feel like talking Buddhist philosophy. :) There are lots of seminars and learning opportunities, many of which you can sign up for.
best of luck
At Sat Nov 19, 01:46:00 PM CST,
Gabi said…
Yeah, Josh, I'll need to pick your brain about the NGA sometime. I don't expect to begin work until March... though I'm hoping some of my temporary clearance will carry over. As to location/office, I don't mind much, so long as I'm making money and getting credit in the DC area :). Hey, maybe I'll end up in the library... which would be happy :).
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