A Traveler's Tales

Being the musings of a alien - temporal and spiritual...

Friday, September 16, 2005

What a morning may bring forth...

Well, that chapel was a surprise. Our very own Dr. B, in such an important government position! I’m so proud of him! Course, I always knew he was the ultimate in cool. I’m just glad the current administration thinks so too. Makes me respect their judgment more. :)

But… I’m not totally happy with them. They’re taking our Dr. B away! *sniff* Mr. Warm Fuzzy himself… Dr. Clean… One of the best profs on this campus and an incomparable Dean of Academics… *sniff, sniff* His absence will be so sad. PHC won’t be the same without him. Not to mention the fact that it’ll take at least three people to even begin to “replace” him. And oh! The new dean of academics is none other than Dr. Sanders! *wail*

*collects self*

I am so glad that I had the opportunity to take Comparative and FP from him… and that our book discussion group will continue to meet. The man is truly great and I feel honored to have known him.


  • At Fri Sep 16, 05:50:00 PM CDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You know, Gabi...this is the most annoying expression of Spam I think I've ever heard of.

    No, not the Dr. B. remarks. ;)

    Wow...that is a change I didn't put much thought into. So now my reapplication goes through Sanders...*begins to cringe slightly, but only slightly*

    All I can say is wow. Maybe this will be better in the long run.


  • At Fri Sep 16, 11:07:00 PM CDT, Blogger Gabi said…

    [Yes, the spam is annoying... And that one is just long, incomprehensible, and not even funny. So I did away with it. Bwahahaha! :)]

    As to the changes... They'll be good, all told - I've no doubt of that. Dr. Sanders is only the interim dean (they're looking to hire someone else) and it is, obviously, great for Dr. B and for the school's reputation. Still, I'll miss him... He was a champion of kindness and, God bless him, common sense - which is largely lacking in academia.


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