Too many cookies...
Shifting for myself while I was home alone, I made many, many cookies. The last ones were cut-out cookies... but I couldn't overcome my inertia to get around to frosting them. So I wrapped them up and set them on the counter until I could force myself into it...
Today, Mom and I finally made a couple batches of frosting and set out to decorate 49 cookies. But you can only do so many before inspiration wears out. I mean, how many ways are there to decorate Santa? After three, it gets hard to be creative. So you begin to get things like "Island Snowman" and "Biker Santa" :
Today, Mom and I finally made a couple batches of frosting and set out to decorate 49 cookies. But you can only do so many before inspiration wears out. I mean, how many ways are there to decorate Santa? After three, it gets hard to be creative. So you begin to get things like "Island Snowman" and "Biker Santa" :

At Thu Dec 22, 08:49:00 AM CST,
sarah said…
wow. Are we all baking cookies this holiday season? hahahaha! Those are great designs. :) I've been frosting cookies also, but it is more the sort of frosting you swirl on the top to give a little extra tang to the spicy sorts of cookies.
Anyway, I'm lookin' forward to New Year's. :)
At Thu Dec 22, 11:56:00 AM CST,
Ashlea Davenport said…
Not me! ;) Though Ty and I do have to plan the menu for Christmas Eve. Oh, but Camilla shall have a jolly good time In A Little More Than A Week!! (Apologies to Dr. Stacey for the preponderance of exlamation marks.)
I really cannot wait to see you and show my "humble abode." In the meantime may you have a blessed Christmas with all of your family (you too Sarah).
At Fri Dec 23, 08:25:00 AM CST,
DaughterofGrace said…
LOL 'Biker Santa' I love it! None of my 200 plus cookies were nearly so inspirational:-) Hopefully gingerbread houses will provide more food for ehem thought. Merry Christmas!
At Sat Dec 24, 02:00:00 AM CST,
Anonymous said…
Yeah... everybody's making cookies. Or should be. I want to meet the Island snowman. :-D
- Nic
At Mon Dec 26, 11:58:00 AM CST,
Pinon Coffee said…
So far I've avoided making cookies, but my esteemed soror spent a whole day at them. I cleaned house instead. :-)
At Wed Dec 28, 07:37:00 PM CST,
Anonymous said…
I wanna meet Biker Santa... could he bring me a BMW cycle? BTW, I think I now might have a car. :)
At Mon Jan 09, 12:05:00 AM CST,
E E Holmes said…
I abstained from cookie making... and instead ended up making my family a multi-course mediterranean supper. *sigh*
My mom would like the island snowman.
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