A Traveler's Tales

Being the musings of a alien - temporal and spiritual...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

To My Friends

A moment lost for ever more
Can never be again.
So know how much it means to me -
All you've said, all you gave, all your love to me.

My travels continue ever onward, and now take a different path from yours. I am sad that this turn should separate us and will always treasure the memories of the leg of the trip that I have been able to share with you. I hope that your own travels proceed with love and excellence - and that and our paths may intersect again before we reach the End :). To Camilla, The Dark Forest, and the Green Apples: Thanks, guys :).

And what better way to say farewell than with a favorite Irish drinking song? :)
My ship lies at harbor, she's ready to dock;
I wish her safe landing without any shock.
And if ever I should meet you by land or by sea,
I'll always remember your kindness to me.
So here's a health to the company, and one to my lass.
Let us drink and be merry all out of one glass -
Let us drink and be merry our grief to refrain,
For we may and might never meet here again.


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