A Traveler's Tales

Being the musings of a alien - temporal and spiritual...

Friday, September 01, 2006

A Moment of Bliss

It is breezy and cool and rainy outside - a blessed relief from the still, hot, and parched of the last couple weeks.

And I got a half day off at work because it's a three day weekend. (Yeah, the logic's interesting, but I'm not arguing :).)

And there are chocolate chip cookies cooling on the ironing board.

And I am eating a gooey-centered one with a glass of milk.

There is a God and He loves me.


  • At Mon Sep 04, 02:22:00 PM CDT, Blogger E E Holmes said…

    !Hola mi amiga!

    Wish I could've come over today, but I didn't know. Azul the Recalcitrant had brain surgery last week and tech didn't re-install my anti-virus correctly. This means, very illogically, that I can access the internet only through wireless (not cord) and am sometimes able to receive mail (but never to reply to it).


    Ken and I went to Panera to study for a couple of hours yesterday. I had hazelnut coffee, my favorite, and an Asiago Cheese bagel with Sun-Dried Tomato spread (ah, the memories :)

    I will try to have my mom e-mail me the recipes I need for your b-day delight. If you come next Sunday, perhaps we could do some grocery shopping for the event?

    There's a D3 "Fall Party" this Saturday. You will be sorely missed. The legend of Gabicus the Mighty lives on. <:)

    Hope to be able to e-mail you soon,


  • At Mon Sep 11, 03:09:00 PM CDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Joyeux Anniversaire! :-)


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