A Traveler's Tales

Being the musings of a alien - temporal and spiritual...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Oh. Wow.

I just got back from seeing Shyamalan's latest: Lady in the Water. It is one of Story's finest hours. It ought to be mandatory viewing for anyone who aspires to write.

So why are you still here? Get to your local theater posthaste! :)


  • At Sat Jul 22, 10:43:00 PM CDT, Blogger sarah said…

    Hmm, Movieguide.org gave it a 2-star rating, so I didn't bother to go see it. I'm still not sure I want to, because the preview made it look like more of Shyamalan's typical stuff. But maybe I will now. Maybe I won't. I haven't decided. :D

  • At Sun Jul 23, 07:51:00 AM CDT, Blogger Gabi said…

    It is definitely Shyamalan (which I like muchly :)) - very philosophical, very beautiful. I've read some of the (almost all negative) reviews and the universal complaint was their problem with being able to suspend disbelief and get into the movie. I think I wouldn't be too far off if I just said they just didn't get it. Which is hugely ironic, given some of what goes on in the movie. Personally, the opening sequence did an excellent job setting the tone and had me hooked for the next two hours.

    So my advice still stands. It's a very thought-provoking, many-layered movie. I think you could enjoy it at least on a literary-philosophical level :).

  • At Sun Jul 23, 01:59:00 PM CDT, Blogger sarah said…

    All righty! That's good news, then. :) It gives me something else to go see. Maybe I'll do that this evening, in fact!

  • At Mon Jul 24, 08:29:00 AM CDT, Blogger Lisa Adams said…

    Why important for anyone who aspires to write? I saw a preview and it looked a little disturbing ... but I'm considering ... tell me why I as a writer should see it :).

  • At Tue Jul 25, 01:54:00 PM CDT, Blogger Ashlea Davenport said…

    I have yet to see the movie, but I have every intention of going to see it--soon. In other news, I have returned to the blogosphere (just so you know. I think I have posted more this week than in the past two months. Weird.)

  • At Sat Jul 29, 12:24:00 AM CDT, Blogger E E Holmes said…

    Hmm... It must be a "Loved It-Hated It" kind of film, because my parents saw it and thought it was one of the worst films they'd ever seen. The intro really must set the tone--and the response-- because my mom said that was what threw her off at the beginning.


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