A Traveler's Tales

Being the musings of a alien - temporal and spiritual...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

And now for something completely different...

A new post is needed, but what to say? Another review would be a bit much. And I'm not feeling very newsy (not that I ever do much). So I've decided to do something I've not done before - post one of those little personality quizzes that are so plentiful on the web and other people's blogs. So, here you are. Gabi's internet personality quiz pick of the day :) :

Which Mix of the Hogwarts Houses Are You?

My own results, should you be curious:
You're a Slytherclaw! By nature you are rational and a realist. Some people may call you cynical and elitist but this doesn't matter to you. You don't depend on other people's opinions to determine how you live your life. You are generally cautious and prefer to weigh the consequences before you act. In conflicts you prefer to remain neutral and aloof. You value intelligence and you are a natural diplomat, you can convince people to do what you want them to do. Your weakness is that you sometimes think more with your head than with your heart and it leads to isolation. With the intelligence of a Ravenclaw and the subtlety of a Slytherin you will be sure to achieve all your goals!


  • At Thu Aug 17, 03:22:00 AM CDT, Blogger E E Holmes said…


    How's this:

    "You're a Ravenpuff!: You are a very analytical and ingenius person, someone that likes to invent new things. The way you look at life is with wonder, and sometimes you're even a little naive. But people love you for that trait and they feel the need to protect you from the harsh facts of life so that you can retain your innocence. You are very capable person and when there is trouble people turn to you because you're able to stay calm and collected. You like balance in your life and you try not to make many waves. Even still, if there is something that you believe strongly in, you will commit yourself totally to that cause. Your weakness is that sometimes you can be indecisive and perfectionist, especially about little details and you drive people crazy sometimes with these traits. With the
    innocence of a Hufflepuff and the calm of a Ravenclaw you will be loved in life!"

    I think I might add a strong dash of life experience to stamp out the "even a little naive" part. What does your analysis say, oh Gabicus?

  • At Thu Aug 17, 03:23:00 AM CDT, Blogger E E Holmes said…

    Oh, and isn't it kind of frightening that all your personality tests say you have an elitist mentality?

    *smiles sweetly*

  • At Thu Aug 17, 03:34:00 PM CDT, Blogger Gabi said…

    It does sound like you, other than that "naive" bit. I don't think I've ever once thought of you as naive :).

    As to the elitist accusations, I'm not too concerned. As my little desk decoration says, "The downside of being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're pretentious." ;)

  • At Thu Aug 17, 09:53:00 PM CDT, Blogger Ashlea Davenport said…

    Surprise, I got the same answer. : P

  • At Sat Aug 19, 10:59:00 AM CDT, Blogger Ashlea Davenport said…

    I hereby inform you that you have been tagged. . . by me.

  • At Sun Aug 20, 05:45:00 PM CDT, Blogger Campeador said…

    Eh... it said "diplomat" and "cynical." Sounds about right.

    Sunday may work for PHC - I'll let you know. 'Twould be nice to get the movie back.

  • At Sun Sep 17, 12:28:00 AM CDT, Blogger Pinon Coffee said…

    I'm a Ravenpuff too...it makes me sound black and fluffy. I'm not impressed.


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