A Traveler's Tales

Being the musings of a alien - temporal and spiritual...

Friday, May 27, 2005

My Not-So-Humble Abode...

This is just to give you an idea of where I'm living. Pictured is my living/dining/desking space. (For the nitpickers among you: yes, it's two pictures, shoddily edited together. I just had to get it all in somehow...)


  • At Fri May 27, 07:54:00 PM CDT, Blogger Pinon Coffee said…


    Oh, it's lovely! It's good to see how (and where) you've been. :-) That looks like a delightful apartment, and it was awfully nice of your boss to get you some groceries to start with. Man. It would be remarkably stressful to start off having to grocery shop in a foreign company!

    I don't suppose you've had much time to watch B5... ;-) They were right. "Geometry of Shadows" is coolness. I think I've about talked my mom into watching some B5 with me.

    Judah came to visit us and Joey for a week, and Dad likes him hugely. We had dinners and parties and events and went hiking, and he and soror mea are now Courting. Life is good. :-)

    He left...um...yesterday?...and we have since been shopping, sleeping, and shopping (we've got two birthdays in the family next week). Just now Mom and Dad are out to dinner and the sister and I are watching the *Incredibles.* Brilliant movie.

    New Mexico is the greenest I've ever seen it. I hope to start work next week. I just finished a book that I checked out over Christmas break and which somehow never quite made it home (whoops). There have been cases of animal plague in the county, so we aren't letting the cat out and she is quite unhappy with us. So not too much is going on. :-) See you!

  • At Fri May 27, 08:43:00 PM CDT, Blogger Ruhamah said…

    I like your little home, Gabi! Thanks for the photo, and for the updates. Keep them coming!

    ~ Sarah L.


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