A Traveler's Tales

Being the musings of a alien - temporal and spiritual...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Inching Forward

One small step for me... and an even smaller one for mankind :).

I finally got word from the embassy today that I really can go ahead and get a ticket and that they'll have a place for me to stay this summer. Terribly reassuring news, that :).

Now I'm finally getting excited about the whole thing. Don't get me wrong - I was happy about it before, too. But now it seems more sure and immediate. Before I didn't know when I was leaving or where I'd be living. Now I've moved just that much closer to making the dream reality. I can now begin to make other plans (which, if you haven't figured out already, is something I love to do :)). Also, there were papers and exams in the immediate future before, which made thinking about a summer in Latvia rather a luxury. With most of those out of the way (who cares about finals anway, right?), I can devote more time to the planning.

' Course, now that I can think about the trip, one of the first things that comes to mind is: STUDY RUSSIAN. In the coming weeks I'll hopefully be able to dust off my Russian Bible, load up my Russian computer program, and burn the language more solidly into my synapses.

So I'm currently in a state of joyous and busy anticipation. I look forward to much exploration and many adventures this summer - both in and out of the embassy. My only regret in all this is that y'all won't be there to share it with me....


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