A Traveler's Tales

Being the musings of a alien - temporal and spiritual...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Preparation and Relaxation

Ah, the joys of living…

The past couple of days have been devoted, at least in policy, if not practice, to getting ready to go to Latvia. The trip to Birmingham to see extended family one last time has been made. Mom has, kindly, washed up the mountain of laundry I brought home (which really amounted to just about every piece of clothing I own). Dry cleaning has been set aside to go to the cleaners. Dad has ordered me some euros from the bank. I got a booster vaccination for hepatitis A/B and have acquired a round of typhoid pills. A dress I bought that needed to be altered has finally been dropped off at the tailor’s. Mom and I spent the late morning shopping for various items: a nice wooden cane to make getting about and travel easier, contact solution, ibuprofen, and some replacement hair implements. I sent one last email to my soon-to-be coworkers telling them what time I was getting in and asking about phones and internet connectivity.

Now one large job stares me in the face: unpack everything I brought home in order to pick out which bits need to be repacked for Latvia. So I am sitting here in the living room blogging. Such a job should not be completed on an empty stomach, I think. It should probably wait ‘til after dinner. :)

Not that I’ve worked all the time (or even most of the time), mind. Y’all know me… No, I’ve found time to visit the jewelry store where Daniel works and get some information on the newest and coolest in watches. I’ve finally watched Napoleon Dynamite (though I don’t know that that’s something to be proud of :)) and Zoolander (which, I have to say, I found highly funny). I went to a shower/reception/tea thing in honor of the graduation of a young lady and got to see a lot of high school friends there. I went to my mom’s worldviews class and saw more old friends who were also visiting. I’ve spent time laughing and talking with Luis, a Panamanian fellow from our church who’s staying with us for a little while before he returns home. Daniel and I stayed up last night to start a co-op game of Splinter Cell… a game which I think I will enjoy, now that I don’t get us killed every five minutes :).

So, that pretty much sums up life currently. Which is, not surprisingly, like life most of the time :)…


  • At Thu Jun 02, 02:00:00 PM CDT, Blogger E E Holmes said…

    I'm still not entirely unpacked. I spent the first few days home sleeping and unpacking. After a short time, the sense of urgency seems to wear off. I've still got the enormous box filled with my bedding, most of which needs to be washed and packed away somewhere for the summer, some random school things to find a place for, and I need to rearrange my closet and my dresser so that I can stow the stack of unpacked clothing sitting on my small bedroom floor.


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