A Traveler's Tales

Being the musings of a alien - temporal and spiritual...

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Variations on a Theme

Well... I had some time on my hands. Lots of very quiet time. And I've found that the best thing to do with such time is to make fractals. Fractals, you see, involve some degree of creativity but also a decent amount mindless scutwork (all of which leaves you half-free to pay attention to the outside world), they take lots of time to make (particularly when you're using the Windows calculator and Paint's pixel counter to make sure it's precise... :)), and the result can be quite attractive.

So I made my fractal. But the other thing about fractals is that, though lovely on their artistically mathematical own, they really need some sort of color or something to give them life. Preferably a lot of really nice color. And this is where I got carried away with my fractal. I did one color scheme... and then another... and another... and it just kept going.

The finished products turned out even better than I, their affectionate creator, had expected... so I reproduce them here for your own pleasure :).

Having beaten the current fractal mostly to death, I have started work on yet another... :)

PS The originals are 1280x1024 (I figure if you're going to make something in Paint, you might as well make it useful as a desktop jobbie)... but, unfortunately, even the "having been clicked on" version that Blogger loaded is smaller. Sorry 'bout that.


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